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Business Owners Never Miss Out on Opportunities

How Successful Business Owners Never Miss Out on Opportunities




These are the words that successful business owners never use. But, even successful business owners run into financial bridges that they may need help crossing. Challenges like cash flow for purchasing new equipment, making payroll, or fulfilling large purchase orders are not insurmountable. Utilizing a bridge loan can help grow business without the hassle of traditional banking. Dealing with big banks takes time and resources that business owners cannot spare.

Our savvy clients can close these financial gaps in a matter of minutes. MyBridgeNow is a local company that has helped countless small to medium-sized businesses access funding the same day. The funding can be anywhere from $5000-$500,000, using collateral loans.

Collateral/Asset lending is not a traditional loan. Collateral loans are given based on the value of a physical item you use as collateral for the loan—no dealing with credit checks or liens put against you or your business. Most asset lending companies like MyBridgeNow take a wide variety of collateral such as cars, boats, RVs, construction equipment, jewelry, gold, and silver.

The next time you are about to say, “Shoulda…Woulda…Coulda,” think again. The Asset/Collateral loan process is straightforward and affordable. Don't miss out on an opportunity to grow or help your business without checking out all your options. Looking back will cause you to miss the opportunities right in front of you.

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